October Chef of the Month: Chef Bryan Cates of Kitchen On George

Name: Bryan Cates

Name of Restaurant: Kitchen On George

Restaurant Phone Number: (251) 436-8890

Where were you born and raised?

Greensboro, North Carolina.

What inspired you to become a chef?

I love to provide people with a memorable dining experience.

What does your typical workday involve?

Start bread production for night time service. Source new products, work the line for lunch service, shape bread for dinner service, cart kids around, drop kids at home, go to work, bake bread, prep for dinner service, work dinner service.

Who is the most notable person you’ve ever cooked for?

My wife. She is a tough critic.

If you could cook for with any celebrity or historical figure (living or dead), who would it be?

Georges Auguste Escoffier. I would ask him to show me what I’m doing wrong.

What’s the most unusual thing that’s ever happened to you on the job?

Bought really good shrimp from an ice cream man.

If you weren’t a chef, what line of work would you pursue?

An archaeologist . I love old stuff.

What is your biggest pet peeve?

When line cooks punch a hole in a container covered with plastic and never take the plastic off. Also, when people store large containers in a refrigerator with little to no product in it.

What’s your favorite seafood dish to serve up for yourself and your family?

Fish tacos. My kids are very picky eaters, as most 5 and 2 year olds are. They love a fish taco though.

What makes Alabama Gulf Seafood special?

The diversity of product in the Gulf is remarkable. Alabama as a state in general has a vast spectrum of incredible ingredients.

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